Saturday, July 30, 2016

Deb's Doodle Treasures

Whether your after a original piece of
my art or a birthday card for someone
'special in you life'
you might like to check out my
online shop which makes credit card
payments easier.

I am currently uploading my
Sea & Beach Collections
So if its been a while since
you've visited you might like
to take a look round.

If you're after a specific artwork
not current in my online store
send me a message.

Art Options under the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme brings major changes to the way Australians living with disabilities and their families are support to live the lifestyle they chose. The cornerstone of the NDIS is increased participation in the community, through providing in home accommodation support, employment support, support at school, TAFE and university, support for community involve such as community work, sport and health & fitness; Support through equipment, home and car modifications; support to access early interventation programs and therapies.

The scheme is designed to support people to live their best lives through providing choice and options for managing your funding'

Where are you choices
  • Set your own goals and determine your own outcomes.
  • Decide where you want to live and know if you do move you can take your funding with you.
  • Choose your service providers and where to purchase you equipment, or
  • Design your own support system that will allow you to achieve the lifestyle you want to live.
Under the NDIS we no longer talk about your impairment to determine your support needs. Instead we talk about your goals. The things you like doing, the people you enjoy being with and new things you would like to try. Many people when discussing changes under the NDIS talk about changing providers, self-managing, getting the right supports, more support hours and setting off overseas.  In terms of the NDIS that's putting the horse before the cart.

Before you decide where you want to spend your NDIS package and how, you need to think about what you want out of life. To do that you might need to sit down with your family or support workers and talk about what your life is like now.  Decide what you want to keep in your life, like stay living with your family and what changes you might like.  You might like to find a job, or decide you like to get fit and get a job delivering junk mail to earn some extra cash.

There are probable more choices out there than you realise.  In Ipswich transferring to the NDIS is about 12 months away, that may sound like a long time, but if you and your family want to make the most of the NDIS, well you're a bit behind so now the time to start planning to live you best life.

Where to start?

Get off the coach or facebook and find out what's out there?  What types of services and other providers. If your thinking about joining a gym ask your support worker to help you visit a few. Pay for a few sessions, try it before you decide.

Do you know what clubs, sporting groups or organisations are operating in Ipswich?  Check out the visitors centre our ask your support person to help you look online.  Talk to your current provider ask if their services are likely to change under the NDIS? Ring another provider find out what they offer?  I think buy the time you've done that you've already found out there's a lot more to life than you thought.

Umm! Do you wish you could find all this information is the one place, while enjoying good food and entertainment at the same time?

Here's some good news!

The Ipswich community will be out inforce

on Wednesday 7th September 2016

Ipswich Showgrounds

From 9 am

to help you explore the world of opportunities
here in the heart in Ipswich.

So if funding is now attached to your selected goals how do you tell the NDIA what you need? The NDIA are not interested in what you need, they want to know what you would like to do with your life! What are your hopes and dreams for the future? If you could do anything what would that be? Once you decide what you would like to do, they want to know how you're going to do it?

So if your going to sell your artwork, they want to know how you plan to do this and what assistance you need to achieve that goal. This is go into your NDIS Goals Plan.

  • Goals - What you want to do?
  • Steps -  How you want to do it?

Goal:   To work at Coles
Step:    Find out if that is possible for you.  What do you need
            to know to work at Coles

Then they look at who in your life can help you achieve that goal and what support you will need. 

So here a tip!  If its not in your plan you will not be able to do it. So if you think art is part of your future it needs to go into your NDIS plan.  However, you can't just say I want to do art, that is a bit to general.

Goal Writing guidelines:
  • Must be specific
  • Must be clear and be understood by everyone. So they can give you the help you need.
  • Must be measurable: how do you know when you've achieved your goal?
  • Steps involve must be clearly identifiable

Art means a whole lot of different things to different people. People enjoy art for different reasons. Some people just want to visit art galleries to enjoy the beauty of art; some people want to do art because it relaxes them and makes them feel good; some people are just learning; some people are keen to try new forms of art; some people want to enter competitions like the Ipswich show, for some people art is a hobby and for others its work. . .

And sometimes . . . it is all of the above! The good news is no matter where you fit in the art continuum the NDIS can support you to do that, they just need you to tell them how to assist you.

Here's a few suggestions:

My goal:          To learn how to draw better, with pencil, ink,
                         charol and pastel.

Why:                Its just something I enjoy

Steps:               Join an art class to learn drawing skills.

This might be through a support provider, hiring a tutor or community classes. You need to let the NDIS know your preferred method.

Reasoning:         I've always enjoyed art and craft I'd like to do
                           more and learn new things.

My goals:           To learn more about art
                           To try new types of art
                           To learn art skills and make new friends

Methods:            Join a art and craft group
                           Take a art class
                           Do art with my current provider
                           Join the art and craft group a church
                           Start my own group
                           Find a tutor

Your step:          You'll need to tell the NDIA which step you
                           want to take.

Reasoning:              I have been doodling for awhile, I wonder
                                if my working is any good. I think I like
                                to do an art class or course,

My goal:                  To do an art course

Steps:                       To do one subject at a time with the
                                 assistance of a support worker.

My Goal:                 To sell my art work

My Steps:                 Make art work to sell
                                 Enter art competitions
                                 Plan an art exhibition

If you're coming to Fresh Futures Market, pick up a FREE copy of My Art, My Way, this will guide you through writing you plan and we hope to have it available for download soon.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Chasing Dreams

Enlisting NDIS to chase your dreams

Life is a gift to be embraced.  I intend sucking every last inch, breath, and experience out of it. Why would anyone chose to waste it chasing a animation that only exists on a mobile photo screen is beyond me.  "Stop chasing Pokémon, start chasing you dreams." Marlena May Katene

I first heard "Marlena "speak" in 2013 at a National Leaders Conference and she has inspired me to
'live' my life every since. In my mind I had put my travelling days behind me.  Why because I have epilepsy a few rounds and debates with Marlena destroyed that feeble excuse. I've not lost my spirit for adventure.

I just need to put a little more creative thought into my travels.  Marlena has shown me that life is an adventure and one I am now enjoying!

Marlena has two degrees, a journalist, author and owns and runs two business.  Her voice box does not work. She speaks with facilitator communication or an electronic communication device.  She is not defined or confined by her diagnoses. Marlena is a truly unqinc individual for a thirst and passion for living.

Searching for Pokémon is not something I ever imagine her doing. She is to busy, running businesses, attending rock consents and booking overseas adventures, She sees herself as the female version of Molly Meldrum and her mentors are Lane Beachly and Richard Bradson, Its depressing when I reflect on the number of people her age that live with hopelessness with no desire to work.

Marlena has no time for excuses, (although many in her position would use some), she lives the life of a celebrity.  Other people including me use excuses.  People fine work hard to fine. . . Marlena has inspires me to create work for myself and employ others,

My hope for the NDIS is people with disabilities will show their creative ability to work outside the Centrelink boxes and create employment.  I hope we see the biggest boost to productivity we've ever scene.  Not because we're employing support workers, but because we're developing and running empires.  Goals set to low soon lose their attraction. Shooting for the starts mean we may over shoot the mood.

When we limited ourselves we also limit others.  People want to know what happens when people with disability fail . . . Talking of failure before they start really signifies the lack of willingness to empower people with disability.  No one asks what happens when they shine?  I see people with disabilities shine all the time. Comedian Stella Young often spoke of disability prorn .  People being great because they are people with disabilities doing ordinary stuff, like getting out of bed.  How patronizing?

It is not the kind of attention I want. I want to be inspiring because my work is extraordinary - the best of the best.  Not a medico artists who has a disability.  If you want success you need to earn it.  Up at sunrise to set up markets and out networking until three in the morning.  Disability or not that is the hours it takes to run a business.  Winging about pay rates won't get you no where. 

I hope the NDIS and restrycturong of the industry sees more people 'living life' rather than exsisting. The key objective of the NDIS is to enable people with disabilities to fully participate in life. That means living in the community, being employed, training and study. spot and recreation, international travel and creating their own businesses. 

Under the NDIS we can be supported to chase our dreams or continue to allow our disabilities to define us.

"Stop chasing Pokémon, start chasing you dreams." Marlena May Katene

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Is the community ready for us!

We might be ready for the NDIS
. . . but is the community ready for us?

I have just completed a 18 month leadership program around disability lead projects. These are projects lead by people with disabilities the seek to work on social inclusion.  Regular readers of my blog will know the National Disability Insurance Scheme's key objective is to increase the participation of people with disability in the local community.

I wonder how many potential NDIS participants realise this.  Most people just want adequate funding or more hours.  The is nothing in the transitioning to the NDIS around hours. The whole system is gear towards people achieving the goals.  Working in the sector means, know Queensland is still in the grip of the dark ages, when it comes to supporting people with disabilities.  Support Staff are still referred to as "carers".

I and other people with disabilities are not sick.  We just need to do somethings differently, or assistance at times. I am still ask to put my care on.  Even protentially clients want to speak to my carer. Other people with disabilities do not accept my role.  I am seen by other people with disability as a client' and they tell me to shut up. The norish of disability lead leadership may work is some states but not here. 

The sector has no indication of how to empower people with disabilities to direct their own life.  These clowns are talking to us about finding work and living independently.  I have a degree and a small business and still the check out check will not talk to me. Are you serious?  A change in date July 1 2017, means people will accept I am the business manager and not hang up!

Get real it takes more than money and law changes to build social inclusion. Nothing has been done to address the consistent medical models of disability care in Queensland.  Support workers still refer to themselves as cares, meaning they continue in an authorian position.  Support under the NDIS in not about hours of 'help' . The thing that fightens me the most can I find 4 workers who respect me enough to accept the way I want my house to run. 

I am over 18, I don't run anything past my parents and I never ask to spend my money.  Often I am treated like I'm in Kindy garden. If service providers fail to respect me.  How will the NDIS change anything. In every other aspect of my business I have total respect.

However in the disability sector I am just another person with a disability in need of help/  Are we ready for the NDIS?

No way!!!!!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Now in store

Octopus' Garden Products

Pens $ 10.00 each

Mugs $20.00

Tote Bags $25.00

Click here to purchase online.


Deb's Whereabout's

Where's Deb


Hi! Would you like to catch-up with me in person? See my stock up close and ask questions about my art practise? I have a few places I'll be popping-up at in the Ipswich Region, in August and September.

Starting with Arts Connect pop-up stall on 6th August from noon at Street Feast, Top End of Town, Brisbane St - Art, Entertainment and lots of food.  So rock-up an say g'day to the team @ Arts Connect.

Hello Ollie!
Tote Bags
$25.00 each

Wondering what's next for you? Or confused about what life might look like under the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Come along to the Fresh Futures Market on Wednesday 7th August from 9 am @ the Ipswich Show Grounds on Warwick Rd. The Ipswich community is busting with opportunities, under the NDIS. Regardless of how you will be choosing to manage your funding, the Fresh Futures Market will provide you with a feast of ideas.  

If you're interested in making art part of your future, you may want to visit me at the ArtISability Table,    I will have information on the Ipswich Art Community and a free arts & NDIS guide, include other ways to fund your art supplies and more. 

If you feeling adventurous and interested in photography then come equipped with your mobile phone and have a play with in our photo booth with props and costumes provided. 

It's Disability Action Week

Disability Action Week seeks to spread awareness about, the lives, skills and talents of people living with disabilities. People with disabilities belong in our community.  Ipswich is gearing up for the NDIS and increased participation of people with disabilities and their families to be embraced.

We know the Ipswich arts community is bursting with talent.  This year we're teaming up with the Ipswich City Council to shows case the work of Studio 8 located at Springfield Place.

Last year I visited the interactive at Exhibition produced by Springfield Places Studio 8. Studio 8 is spilling with musicians, visual artists, digital artist and radio starts.  The studio hosts a weekly radio program with local disability news.

So you'll all invited to the opening of the 2016 Art Exhibition, on Friday 9th September.  ArtISability will be camped outside the Ipswich Community Gallery, together with musios, circus acts and dances with endless are supplies for you to explore your own creativity. . .

We'll be providing tables of art supplies with local artists to guide your creativity to produce your own works of art.

Would like more . . . ALARA Queensland is holding its annual Spring fair on Saturday 10th September, 33 Salisbury Road Ipswich.  Art heaven for artists with disabilities. ALARA is raising funds to renovate the Dingle Dell Gallery. To provide artists with a disability with their own studio space 10 minutes from the city heart.

Again rock up and see me if you have questions about art and how the NDIS can support you improve you artistic skills and I'll have my Doodles and Dribble pop-up shop for you to check out.  Well . . . as you can see I got a lot of preparation ahead of me, so its time for me to buzz off . . .  

A Fight For Freedom

Freedom from Perceptions

"Tears" (2016)
I have sold

Recently I had a graffiti wall light show

Through Off The Wall Gallery

St Peter's Sydney

Freedom from expressions is about using my 

art to challenge harden misconceptions.

"Hidden Beauty" (2016)

Mixed Media

Available Through

We Fear What We Do Not Know

"Going Japanese" (2016)
Mixed Water Media
Sorry this work has sold

Our fears too often are based on misconceptions,
or misinformation. The human race is great at
spreading generalisation

Causing mass fear and panic.
We cannot judge those you
live in fear
If we are honest
we often share those fears.

Fears let to grow
can destroy us inside
Hardening our hearts
Sowing seeds of hate.

take aim at the guilty
and the innocent.

To protect our freedom,
we want to judge others.
and ask questions later.

"Mysterious" (2016)
Watercolor on Paper
Available in store.

Inside each of us is beauty.
The potential to give joy,
and sow seeds of love.

But also
The potential to harbour hate,
To allow it to feaster and grow,
unlashing the power to destroy.

Many in our society are unbalanced.

"Madam" (2016)
Available online

Living on edge
one trigger away
From mass carnage.

"Angie" (2016)
Available online.

Faces or friends
and faces of foes,
can not predict,
the intention of anyone.

If you start looking everyone up
there will be no freedom
for anyone.

Then . . .

The terrorists have won!

"Freedom From Fear" (2016)
Mixed Media
Available online.

Let us fly with love!

for a mad rain of terror.

New to Debbie's Den

Debbie's Den

Gemii (2016)
Mixed Media
Sale Price $200

Floating (2016)
Sale Price $150

Looking For A Fight (2016)
Sale Price $200

From the Weeds (2016)
Sale Prices $150

Golden Gem (2015)
Mixed Media
Sale Price $200

Golden Play Time (2016)
Expressive Water Media

Outside The Fish Bowl (2016)

Canvas Screen Print $ 60 each

or 3 for $ 150

Tote Bags $ 25 each

Jump (2016)

Mixed Media

Sale Price $200

Pens $ 10 each

Mugs $ 20 each

In store soon

My Little Gem

Mixed Media

Sale Price $180. 00


Mixed Media

Sale Price $180.00

Surfaced (2016)


Sale Price $180.00

Seeing Stars (2015)
Screen Print $80.00
Frame may vary

Stripes (2015)
Screen Print $80.00

Boxed Cats (2015)
Screen Print $ 80.00
Frame may vary

Critters up a tree (2015)
Screen Print $100

Frame may vary

Also available from me Ezty Store

Cat on Watch (2015)
Screen Print $ 70.00

Cat in Purple (2015)
Screen Print $60
Frame may vary

Stripes (2015)
Screen Print $60.00

Black Cat on Watch (2015)
Screen Print $ 60.00

Selected works are available online

Otherwise Message me with

an enquiry

Using Artwork name as a reference.

See Esty Store for
Individual card Selection