Thursday, October 31, 2013

Playing to strenghts


  1. Can't draw straight lines
  2. Can't draw the same thing, the same way twice.


Repetition with variation!

Now to see if my solution is acceptable?
The fact its not in charcoal . . . Ssh!   

Monday, October 28, 2013

Doodler's Update

In case you noticed there was no post last week, I thought I better provide one . . . now rather than later.  Setting up a new business is not easy and marketing some times takes a while to get the word out there!

So we decided on Friday we didn't have the numbers to run the ArtISability Program.  What is ArtISability I here you ask? ArtISability is a professional development program for artists living with a disability or mental health issues.

It a program I have to designed for visual artists with disabilities to provide training in accessible venues and a supportive learning environment if your interest you can visit our website.

So let's say a few things went paired shape last week and I didn't make my drawing class or what is art  group.  But I made the life drawing class yesterday . . . Yeah let's just say it's not my thing.  I luckily have one piece I can use to develop an abstract piece - being dubbative fallen angels!

Note to tutor the reason I am not an illustrator is I don't do repetition!  ErrrH!  I need to reciprocate pictures!  Not happening!!! Well may be . . . Just had a thought magnification of error repeated! Might work?

Stage 1

Ok so I'm working on that! In the meantime this happened

Well off to doodle some more,


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Doodles from the week

Eye Catching Perhaps

An exercise using shade 

A study in light and shade in Art Class on Monday

Brought to life in colour 

Playing with Texture, Shade and Colour 

Practice Makes Perfect! 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Who said oils aren't oils?

A small group of artist's with disabilities again meant yesterday as we continued to ask the question what is art?  Most of us discovered we liked the texture and the more complex imagines it thinker medium allows us to create.  The fumes from the medium used to think the paint we're not so sure of . . .

I don't have any pictures of my work this week as we saw oil paints take a long time to dry.  Besides I am still working on my master piece.  We are beginning to explore picking a project to work on over the next couple of month's.  I took in a few pieces the group might be interest in trying some new techniques.

As artists we meet to discussed new products and techniques, encourage one and another and as one member said 'its nice to belong to a group of people who won't size you up and judge what you can achieve based on your disabilities,'

And who knows one day we might agree on what art it! Or not!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Poet's Fears!

                             The smell of spring 

Ahrr! Hum! What is that smell in the air?
I smell it! I smell it! I smell it everywhere,
That fresh smell you smell as you step out the door,
No! Not that fresh smell you smell as you hear the sea raw,

Its like something band new . . .
No! Not like that blue car that is Sue’s,
I mean ‘fresh air and new’ mixed together,
Like it’s something to do with the weather,

That smell! That terrible smell,
A smell I smell and my eyes begin to well,
And the my eyes being to itch,
And the runs through my nose that twitch.

That smell! That dam smell,
As the fluid in my nose begins to swell,
Dripping out the other end,
And the tickle in the back of my throat descends.

Its then I . . . sneeze and sneeze, and sneeze some more,
And then cough . . . the coughing begins to raw,
Now the waters running from my eyes,
I sneeze, I sneeze and I can tell you why.

Its spring and everything’s about to sprout,
That’s it! That is that dam smell, I shout!
Nice clean fresh air they all talk about,
Arrh. . . Tooo! Nooooooooo! Its spring! I shout.
That’s what that dirty rotten smell I smell,
That nice clean, fresh and new smell, I could smell,
What did I say. . . I only smell it this time year,
That smelly smell that bring my eyes to tears.

The smell of spring!

Debbie Chilton © Copyright 2013